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Books, j'adore

There are some books you pick up and you just know the story is going to be about you. You may know the author so well you feel he or she is a kindred spirit. You may have read the book a hundred times. You may love the topic of the book so much that there’s no room in your heart for anything but acceptance and understanding. I have encountered a number of books like this over the years – these are books that don’t change your life so much as reinforce that the path you’re on is the right one. For me, Bingham’s memoir on becoming an “adult-onset athlete” is one of those books.

I’ve been enjoying his articles in Runner’s World since I started running myself in October 2010, and when I saw that he had a book out, I put it on my Christmas list along with

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Code Cheese

An old friend of mine shared this article from lifehacker. It’s describes Seinfeld’s productivity secret and describes an implementation of it.

If you don’t know, Jerry Seinfeld is a successful comic and TV actor. He rose to fame in the 90s. To stay creative and always be current, he would write his material and jokes every day. His secret to staying productive was to use a paper wall calendar as a way of motivating himself. After every writing session for the day was complete, he would go to his calendar and take a giant red marker and draw a big red X over that day. After awhile, this accumulates on the calendar. And he would see a chain of days that was productive and his goal from then on was to never break the chain. Once he skipped a day, he didn’t receive an X for that day and the…

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Reflective Happiness

Breaks are times to relax, of course, but there’s something deeply satisfying about having a relaxing and productive break. What makes a break productive? Being productive simply entails accomplishing something significant, something worthwhile—a goal. Often, people think that means something related to school or extracurricular activities, but it could also be an entirely personal project.

I’ve always tried to accomplish at least one goal over my breaks. However, I’ve only had real success over my last two breaks, and I attribute those successes to the steps I describe here. These steps have helped me to read several books, study Japanese independently, meditate, and begin a light daily exercise routine among other things. So without further ado, here are the 3 steps to being productive over spring break: 

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Steven Wade Edinburgh and Dundee

Living With the Birds

March 26 – I resisted Peep-related peer pressure.

Very rarely do I hear anything good about Peeps. Almost everyone seems to have something against these marshmallow chickens.

When I was younger, I loved peeps. Marshmallows were one of my favorite things about Spring.

But, year after year of hearing horrible Peeps were, I too began to think Peeps were horrible. Sometimes, when a candy only comes around once a year, it’s difficult to remember if you like it.

Yesterday I resisted the peer pressure and tried Peeps for the first time in several years.

I love Peeps.

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Nerdy After Thirty

No would-be taglines or themes, no attempts to be cute or quirky or deep today.  Just a regular old post.  About a regular old problem.

Willpower.  The lack thereof.

Some people might not believe this about me, but I am, at my core, an immensely undisciplined person.  “Not Sarah!  No way!”   After all, I can be very conscientious.   I can be such a slave to my self-mandated routines and rituals that it’s like I have OCD.  I can be a perfectionist, especially when it comes to details like grammar and punctuation.  And when I’m really concentrating on a project at work, especially if there is a deadline, I can become so absorbed in what I’m doing that I become blind to everything—and everyone—else (sorry, everybody!)  I tend to get downright rude when I’m working.  (I was like that in college too…sorry, former roommates!)  My absorption in…

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